Developping the value chain of Rodriguan small chilli. Opportunities and obstacles to an improved marketing through quality linked to geographical origin in the Indian Ocean

Authors : Grâce Joffre, Marion Le Moal, Jérôme Minier, Olivier Grosse, Frédéric Descroix, Michel Roux-Cuvelier, Céline Peres, Jean-Paul Danflous, Camille Séraphin, Julie Gourlay et Vincent Porphyre.
Publisher : Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer

Rodrigues Island, which is an autonomous district within the Republic of Mauritius, is rich with regional specialties. The local government wishes to take advantage of them to boost the agricultural sector. Special attention was drawn to the tiny “ti piment” a chilli variety that is renowned for its pungency and specific flavour. However, loss of typicity threats its fame due to over hybridisations. De facto blended among other chillies, it is processed into pickles by small processors. Competition is increasing, due to the demand limitations on Rodrigues itself. Indeed the sector is poorly organized and encounters issues to satisfy the quality and quantities requirements of the Maurician market. This article discusses the potential of a quality label to increase the value of the Rodriguan ti piment and the conditions to achieve it taking into accounts its typicity attributes and the current organisation of the value chain.

References : 
Grâce Joffre, Marion Le Moal, Jérôme Minier, Olivier Grosse, Frédéric Descroix, Michel Roux-Cuvelier, Céline Peres, Jean-Paul Danflous, Camille Séraphin, Julie Gourlay et Vincent Porphyre, « Développer la filière ti piment de l’île Rodrigues », Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer [En ligne], 273 | Janvier-Juin, mis en ligne le 01 janvier 2019, consulté le 01 novembre 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/com.7735

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Published: 31/10/2017