Milk and dairy products in human nutrition

New FAO publication

Milk and dairy products are a vital source of nutrition for many people. They also present livelihood opportunities for farm families, processors and other stakeholders in dairy value chains. Consumers, industry and governments need up-to-date information on how milk and dairy products can contribute to human nutrition and how dairy-industry development can best contribute to increasing food security and alleviating poverty. This publication is unique in drawing together information on nutrition, and dairy-industry development, providing a rich source of useful material on the role of dairy products in human nutrition and the way that investment in dairy-industry development has changed. The book draws together the threads of the two stories, on nutrition and on dairy-industry development, by considering key trends that emerge from the information presented and highlighting the issues that arise from them. It discusses the implications of these findings for the future of the dairy sector, particularly in developing countries.

Publiée : 26/11/2013